Rain­for­est Café

Ld  Rainforest Cafe 1

Schuler Shook designs the lighting for the themed Rainforest Cafés worldwide, usually including the interior and exterior of the restaurant, plus a retail area.

The Rainforest Café pictured here is located in Downtown Disney, Anaheim, California. It is a 30,000 square foot free standing restaurant, bar and retail space. The interior restaurant surrounds a three-story atrium with "Atlas Man" and a waterfall. The exterior space is inviting with a trellised patio. Both the interior and exterior theme was inspired by the architectural ruins of indigenous Central American peoples.


Anaheim, CA


Cuningham Group / Shea / Daroff Design


  • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award
  • IIDA Award
Ld  Rainforest Cafe 3
Ld  Rainforest Cafe 4

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