Lighting Design

Architecture and lighting are inseparable. We strive to understand the architect’s vision for every project element; it is that vision that engages and propels us forward. We explore unanticipated options in order to push beyond what is expected to that which is extraordinary.

We are expert communicators through rendering and visualization of lighting concepts. We are leading the profession in the fields of daylighting and lighting for human health. We are continually finding solutions that allow our projects to reach ever higher levels of sustainability.

Light does more than provide visibility – it nourishes our spirit.

Architectural lighting is an art and a science, and nobody is better prepared than we are to creatively solve the challenges of integrating light with the built environment.

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Our Lighting Designers

Michael Di Blasi 4 Bw

Michael DiBlasi

Minneapolis, New York

Jim Baney

Jim Baney


Emily Klingensmith Img 2282 Peoplemain

Emily Klingensmith


Giulio Pedota Img 1647 Thumb

Giulio Pedota


Paul Whitaker BW web 1

Paul Whitaker

Minneapolis, New York

Duane Schuler

Duane Schuler


Robert Shook 2021 Headshot2 bw 300x300

Robert Shook


Michael Cohen BW web 1

Michael Cohen


Jeff Thumbnail 3

Jefferey Knox

Senior Lighting Designer, Studio Leader

Thumbnail2 N Brambilla web

Nicolò Brambilla

Senior Lighting Designer, Studio Leader

John Jacobsen Img 2016 Peoplemain

John Jacobsen

Senior Lighting Designer, Technical Coordinator

Travis Shupe IMG 8363 thumbnail bw 300x300

Travis Shupe

Senior Lighting Designer

Mal 5 Bw Thumba

Mike Libby

Senior Lighting Designer

Thumbnail J White web

Josie White

Project Lighting Designer

Sam Komber 2 IMG 8505 thumbnail bw 300x300

Samantha Komber

Project Lighting Designer

Atp 3 Bw Thumb

Alex Peck

Project Lighting / Theatre / Audio Video Consultant

Scott Tobin IMG 5519 bw 300x300

Scott Tobin

Lighting Designer

Peter W Mitchell 300 web

Peter W. Mitchell

Lighting Specialist

Katelyn Le Thompson IMG 8630 thumbnail bw 300x300

Katelyn Le-Thompson

Lighting Specialist

Matt Valerio BW 7596 300x300

Matt Valerio

Lighting Specialist

Sadie Ward 300 bw

Sadie Ward

Lighting / Theatre / Audio Video Specialist

Michelle Qian Web Thumb

Michelle Qian

Lighting Specialist

Lighting Design Awards + Recognition

  • Chicago Riverwalk
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 2017
    • A|L Light & Archi­tec­ture Design Award: Out­stand­ing Achieve­ment, Exte­ri­or Light­ing, 2017
    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Excel­lence, Out­door Light­ing Design, 2016
    • 2018 AIA Insti­tute Hon­or Award for Region­al and Urban Design
    • Amer­i­can Soci­ety of Land­scape Archi­tects Hon­or Award, 2018
    • Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excel­lence, Sil­ver Medal, 2017
    • ULI Glob­al Awards for Excel­lence, 2017
    • darc Award: Best Land­scape Light­ing Scheme, Sec­ond Place, 2017
    • AIA Chica­go Dis­tin­guished Build­ing Award, 2016
  • Wintrust Financial Corporation
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 2017
    • A|L Light & Archi­tec­ture Design Award: Com­mend­able Achieve­ment, Inte­ri­or Light­ing, 2017
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2017
  • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Academic Performing Arts Complex
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2016
    • AIA Austin Design Award, 2016
  • Tradewinds Buffet Treasure Island Resort & Casino
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2016
  • Mayo Clinic Square

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2016
  • Dentons US LLP
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2016
  • Lamar Street Underpass, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2016
  • Target Field Station
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2015
    • AIA Nation­al Hon­or Award for Region­al & Urban Design, 2015
  • Loyola University - Sports + Recreation Complex

    • NIR­SA Out­stand­ing Sports Facil­i­ty Award, 2015
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2017
    • AIA Chica­go Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2015
  • Case Western Reserve University, Tinkham Vaele University Center

    • AIA Chica­go Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Hon­or Award, 2015
  • RiverEdge Park

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2014
    • GE Spe­cial Cita­tion, 2013
  • Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2015
    • AIA Cal­i­for­nia Coun­cil Mer­it Award in Adap­tive Reuse/​Renovation/​Historic Preser­va­tion, 2018
    • ENR Mag­a­zine, Nation­al Best of The Best Award, Cul­tur­al Cat­e­go­ry, 2014
    • Los Ange­les Busi­ness Coun­cil Archi­tec­tur­al Awards, Civic Award, 2014
    • Cal­i­for­nia Preser­va­tion Foun­da­tion Design Award, Reha­bil­i­ta­tion, 2014
  • Radisson Blu Mall of America

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2014
  • Radisson Blu Warwick Hotel
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2014
  • Saenger Theatre
    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Edwin F. Guth Memo­r­i­al Award of Excel­lence , Indoor Light­ing Design, 2014
  • The University of Chicago, Saieh Hall for Economics
    • Soci­ety for Col­lege and Uni­ver­si­ty Plan­ning Mer­it Award for Excel­lence in Archi­tec­ture, 2017
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2015
    • AIA Illi­nois Frank Lloyd Wright Hon­or Award, 2016
    • Build­ing Design + Con­struc­tion – Plat­inum Award for Recon­struc­tion, 2015
    • Soci­ety for Col­lege and Uni­ver­si­ty Plan­ning Hon­or Award for Excel­lence in Plan­ning, 2014
    • Boston Soci­ety of Archi­tects Hon­or Award for Design Excel­lence, 2014
  • Confidential Trading Company
    • GE Edi­son Award of Mer­it, 2011
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2012
    • Illum­ni Gold Infin­i­ty Award — Work­place Light­ing, 2012
  • Large International Law Firm
    • AIA Chica­go Hon­or Award, 2011
  • Confidential Company
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2012
  • Herman Miller Office Building C1

    • AIA Chica­go Sus­tain­able Design Excel­lence Award, 2004
    • IES Chica­go Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award, 2004
    • 2004 AIA COTE Top Ten Green Project
  • Hilton Chicago
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2013
  • Cue Restaurant at the Guthrie

    • Edwin F. Guth Memo­r­i­al Award of Excel­lence for Inte­ri­or Light­ing Design — Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Awards, 2007
    • IES Twin Cities Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award, 2007
  • Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2010
  • Loyola University Museum of Art
    • IES Sec­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award, 2007
  • Minnesota Judicial Center

    • IIDA Award of Mer­it, 1996
  • Midtown Exchange
    • Min­neapo­lis Her­itage Preser­va­tion Award, 2006
  • St. Anthony Falls Office Building
    • LEED Gold
    • Min­neapo­lis Her­itage Preser­va­tion His­toric Restora­tion Award, 2008
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta Adap­tive Reuse Award, 2008
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta Award for Excel­lence in Sus­tain­able Design, 2008
  • Shedd Aquarium Caribbean Reef Exhibit
    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Award of Dis­tinc­tion, 2000
    • Gen­er­al Elec­tric Light­ing Award of Mer­it, 2000
    • AIA Chica­go Hon­or Award, 2000
  • Shedd Aquarium Wild Reef Exhibit
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2004
  • Chicago Board of Trade
    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Excel­lence, 2007
    • IALD Spe­cial Cita­tion for Use of Mod­ern Tech­nol­o­gy, 2007
    • Chica­go Land­marks Preser­va­tion Excel­lence Award, 2007
  • DeVos Performance Hall
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 2005
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2005
    • IES Chica­go Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award, 2005
  • Old St. Patrick's Church
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2001
    • AIA Hon­or Award, 2001
  • Bigelow Chapel
    • SCUP/A­IA-CAE Hon­or Award for Excel­lence in New Cam­pus Archi­tec­ture, 2006
    • SCUP/A­IA-CAE Excel­lence in Cam­pus Archi­tec­ture Hon­or Award (nation­al), 2006
    • Faith & Form Reli­gious Archi­tec­ture Hon­or Award, 2005
    • AIA Min­neso­ta Hon­or Award, 2004
  • Brazzaz

    • GE Edi­son Award of Mer­it, 2015
    • IES Region­al Design Award of Mer­it, 2006
  • Mather Tower
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2006
    • Nation­al Trust for His­toric Preser­va­tion Hon­or Award, 2006
  • Wrigley Building Exterior Plaza and Lobby
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2014
    • Chica­go AIA Dis­tin­guished Build­ing Award, 2014
    • Build­ing Design + Con­struc­tion Recon­struc­tion Bronze Award, 2013
  • Chicago Bears Sales Center
    • IES Chica­go Sec­tion Award, 2003
  • The First Presbyterian Church
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 2003
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2003
  • Chicago Athletic Association Hotel

    • Build­ing Design + Con­struc­tion Plat­inum Recon­struc­tion Award, 2016
    • AIA Chica­go Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2015
  • The Christ Hospital Joint and Spine Center
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2017
    • AIA/AAH Health­care Design Award, 2016
  • Gelber Group

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2014
  • Calder Flamingo Sculpture
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 1999
    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award, 1999
  • Loyola University- Madonna della Strada Chapel

    • IES Region­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2008
    • GE Edi­son Award of Mer­it, 2007
    • Coop­er Light­ing Source Award – Hon­or­able Men­tion, 2008
  • Chicago Water Tower Restoration
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 1999
  • Second Street Bridge

    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Excel­lence, 1999
  • American National Bank

    • GE Award of Mer­it, 1995
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, Richard J. Daley Library
    • Illum­ni Sil­ver Infin­i­ty Award — Civic Light­ing, 2012
    • GE Edi­son Award of Mer­it, 2011
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2012
    • AIA Chica­go Dis­tin­guished Build­ing Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2012
    • AIA Chica­go Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2012
  • Three First National Plaza

    • Coop­er Light­ing SOURCE Award, Hon­or­able Men­tion — Com­mer­cial Cat­e­go­ry, 2010
    • IES Region­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2010
  • International Association of Lighting Designers Headquarters
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2013
  • Chicago Avenue Pumping Station

    • IES Region­al Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2007
    • AIA Chica­go Design Excel­lence Award, 2005
    • Chica­go Build­ing Con­gress Mer­it Award, 2004
    • Chica­go Land­mark Award for Preser­va­tion Excel­lence, 2003
  • Shedd Aquarium Amazon Rising

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Merit
  • CTA Dan Ryan Sox/35th St. Station and Pedestrian Bridge

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2004
  • Houston Baptist University - The Morris Arts Center

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Award of Mer­it, 2009
    • 2017 Texas Archi­tect Design Award
  • Case Western Reserve University, Tinkham Vaele University Center

    • AIA Chica­go Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Hon­or Award, 2015
    • Amer­i­can School & Uni­ver­si­ty Cita­tion, 2015
  • Harris Theater For Music and Dance
    • AIA Chica­go Ten-Year Award, 2015
    • AIA Chica­go Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2005
  • John Hancock Center Lobby Upgrade

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2017
  • Medtronic Plaza Horn Monument

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2017
  • Morningstar Chicago
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2017
    • AIA Chica­go Design Excel­lence: Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Award, 2017
  • St. Paul Academy, Huss Center
    • AIA Min­neso­ta 2017 Hon­or Award
  • Palace Theatre
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Impact Award
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Min­neso­ta Preser­va­tion Award
    • AIA Min­neso­ta, 2021 Com­men­da­tion for Excel­lence in Design for Economy
  • Machine Shop
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Hon­or Award
  • Cedar Rapids Public Library
    • 2014 ALA / IIDA Library Inte­ri­or Design Award
  • Hyatt Global Headquarters
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2018
  • Loyola University Quinlan School of Business

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2018
  • Municipal Building Clock Tower
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2018
  • Lighting Magazine 40 under 40, 2018 (North America)

  • Minnesota State Capitol

    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Min­neso­ta Preser­va­tion Award
  • Minnesota State Capitol

    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Hon­or Award
  • Minnesota State Capitol
    • AIA Nation­al Hon­or Award, 2020
    • AIA MN Hon­or Award, 2020
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Hon­or Award
  • Hewing Hotel
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Hon­or Award
  • Cincinnati Music Hall
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award Spe­cial Cita­tion for His­toric Ren­o­va­tion, 2019
    • Live Design Excel­lence In Instal­la­tion Award, 2018
  • Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

    • Preser­va­tion Achieve­ment Award, 2020
    • TEXO 2020 Dis­tin­guished Build­ing Awards — First Place, 2020
  • University of Arkansas, Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center

    • Fayet­teville Cham­ber of Com­merce, Phoenix Award, 2015
    • City of Fayet­teville, Best Preser­va­tions Prac­tices Award, 2016
    • AIA Arkansas Hon­or Award, 2016
    • AISD Region­al Sil­ver Award, 2016
    • AIA Gulf States Region Mer­it Award, 2017
  • Aon Center Amenity Floor
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2020
  • 25 E Washington Lobby
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 2021
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2020
    • Nation­al Light­ing Bureau Tes­la Award, 2021
  • Lighting Magazine 40 Under 40, 2020 (Global)

  • Octave 9: Raisbeck Music Center
    • Amer­i­can Archi­tec­ture Award, 2021 — Muse­ums and Cul­tur­al Buildings
  • ACMI Renewal
    • IESANZ Award of Com­men­da­tion, 2020
    • DALI Light­ing Awards — Enter­tain­ment & Archi­tec­ture, High­ly Com­mend­ed, 2021
    • AIA Award, Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Cat­e­go­ry, 2021
    • Vic­to­ri­an Premier’s Design Awards — Archi­tec­tur­al Design, High­ly Com­mend­ed, 2021
  • St. Leonard's College
    • DALI Light­ing Awards — Medi­um Indoor Light­ing Con­trol, Win­ner, 2021
  • IES Emerging Professional Luminaire Design, Third Place, 2022

  • DAR Constitution Hall
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award Spe­cial Cita­tion, 2023
    • Nation­al Light­ing Bureau Tes­la Awards, Award of Mer­it, 2023
    • Learn­ing By Design Out­stand­ing Project, New Construction/​Addition, 2022
    • AIA North­ern Vir­ginia, Award of Excel­lence, 2022
    • AIA Vir­ginia, His­toric Preser­va­tion, Award of Hon­or 2022
    • AIA Mary­land, Excel­lence in Design Award, 2022
    • DC Preser­va­tion League, His­toric Preser­va­tion, Award for Excel­lence, 2022
  • Art Institute of Chicago, Hartwell Memorial Window
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Award of Mer­it, 2023
    • Nation­al Light­ing Bureau Tes­la Spe­cial Cita­tion, 2023