Theatre Planning

Theatre planning and technology design require a depth of experience balanced with a clear vision for the future of the performing arts. We believe performance spaces must engage their audiences and support the artists in their practice.

We lead the team in exploring options for theatre shapes and forms, and we carefully evaluate the positive relationships that can be created between audiences and performers.

We apply multiple perspectives borne of our diverse backgrounds in theatrical lighting, technical direction, architectural lighting, production management, and scenic design. We design and specify all technical systems, and we carefully integrate the technical infrastructure to meet the specific requirements of each project.

Theatre technical systems are evolving rapidly, in the format of the technologies and in the infrastructure required to support them. We excel at imagination and innovation that truly answer the needs of the performing arts.

We create performance spaces that work, for audiences and for artists.

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Our Theatre Planners

Michael Di Blasi 4 Bw

Michael DiBlasi

Minneapolis, New York

Todd Hensley IMG 6581 BW 300x300

Todd Hensley


Jack 1

Jack Hagler


MMB web

Michael Burgoyne

Minneapolis, New York

Josh Grossman

Joshua Grossman


Jim Hultquist 1 B Port Crop2 bw 300x300

Jim Hultquist


Paul Whitaker BW web 1

Paul Whitaker

Minneapolis, New York

Duane Schuler

Duane Schuler


Robert Shook 2021 Headshot2 bw 300x300

Robert Shook


Headshot TGO SS bio 3 SEP19 PS3

Ted Ohl

New York

Jody Kovalick

Jody Kovalick

Minneapolis, New York

Christophersprague 4C4A5748 Bw 300X300

Christopher Sprague


Garth Hemphill DSC 9393 bw 300x300

Garth Hemphill


Chip Ulich

Harold "Chip" Ulich

Senior Theatre Consultant
San Francisco Bay

Kent Conrad 10 16 Hs 1539 Thumb

Kent Conrad

Senior Theatre Consultant
San Francisco Bay

Jack Dahlqvist 1221 0101 A bw 456x456

Jack Dahlqvist

Senior Consultant, Venues and Technical Services

Kevingreene 4C4A9535 Bw 300X300Alt

Kevin Greene

Project Theatre Consultant

Zack thumb

Zachary Briscoe

Project Theatre Consultant

Jason Burton 300

Jason Burton

Project Theatre Consultant

Thumbnail S Butler web

Samuel Butler

Project Theatre Consultant

Patrick Knee PJP6924 2 bw 300x300

Patrick Knee

Project Theatre Consultant

Keith Friedlander4 C4 A0654 Peoplemain

Keith Friedlander

Theatre Consultant

Sten S DSC 916 300 copy

Sten Severson

Audio Video Consultant

Lauren Thumbnail

Lauren Gallup

Theatre Consultant

Angela Mc Mahon 0 W8 A0165 2

Angela McMahon

Theatre Consultant

Sam Kitchel4 C4 A0036 Thumb

Sam Kitchel

Theatre Specialist

Atp 3 Bw Thumb

Alex Peck

Lighting / Theatre / Audio Video Consultant

Ben Grohs PJP6972 2 bw 300x300

Benjamin Grohs

Theatre / Audio Video Consultant

Jackson Lasseter 5 M7 A0748 bw 1000x1000

Jackson Lasseter

Theatre Specialist

John Munoz 3 bw 300x300

John P. Munoz

Theatre Specialist

Kelly Murphey A7406972 BW 300x300

Kelly Murphey

Theatre Specialist

Caitlin BW bright copy2

Caitlin Coffin

Theatre Specialist

Ben Schultz BW thumb3

Ben Schultz

Theatre Specialist

Sadie Ward 300 bw

Sadie Ward

Lighting / Theatre / Audio Video Specialist

Karen Wallace IMG 4776 bw 300x300

Karen Wallace

Intern Theatre Specialist

Theatre Planning Awards + Recognition

  • Case Western Reserve University, Tinkham Vaele University Center

    • AIA Chica­go Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Hon­or Award, 2015
  • RiverEdge Park

    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2014
    • GE Spe­cial Cita­tion, 2013
  • Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2015
    • AIA Cal­i­for­nia Coun­cil Mer­it Award in Adap­tive Reuse/​Renovation/​Historic Preser­va­tion, 2018
    • ENR Mag­a­zine, Nation­al Best of The Best Award, Cul­tur­al Cat­e­go­ry, 2014
    • Los Ange­les Busi­ness Coun­cil Archi­tec­tur­al Awards, Civic Award, 2014
    • Cal­i­for­nia Preser­va­tion Foun­da­tion Design Award, Reha­bil­i­ta­tion, 2014
  • Saenger Theatre
    • IES Inter­na­tion­al Illu­mi­na­tion Edwin F. Guth Memo­r­i­al Award of Excel­lence , Indoor Light­ing Design, 2014
  • Pritzker Pavilion, Millennium Park
    • AIA Chica­go Design Excel­lence Award, 2004
    • Chica­go Build­ing Con­gress Mer­it Award, 2004
    • Friends of Down­town Adap­tive Reuse Award, 2004
    • Chica­go Land­mark Award for Preser­va­tion Excel­lence, 2003
  • Pantages Theatre
    • USITT Mer­it Award, 2004
    • AIA Min­neso­ta Hon­or Award, 2003
    • Min­neapo­lis Her­itage, 2003
  • Lookingglass Theatre Company
    • USITT Mer­it Award, 2005
    • AIA Chica­go Design Excel­lence Award, 2004
    • Chica­go Build­ing Con­gress Mer­it Award, 2004
    • Friends of Down­town Adap­tive Reuse Award, 2004
    • Chica­go Land­mark Award for Preser­va­tion Excel­lence, 2003
  • Minneapolis Convention Center
    • IALD Award of Mer­it, 2003
    • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2002
  • North Central College
    • AIA Illi­nois Mies van der Rohe Hon­or Award, 2012
    • Edu­ca­tion Design Show­case Hon­or­able Men­tion, 2009
  • Schauer Arts & Activities Center

    • USITT Mer­it Award, 2005
    • AIA Wis­con­sin Design Mer­it Award, 2002
    • ALA Pres­i­den­tial Award and Gold Design Award of Excel­lence, 2001
  • Detroit School of Arts
    • AIA Detroit, Build­ing Hon­or Award, 2005
    • LEED Cer­ti­fied
  • Ravinia, Martin Theatre
    • USITT Hon­or Award, 1994
  • Navy Pier, Skyline Stage

    • USITT Mer­it Award, 1998
  • The Kessler
    • Ruth Chenowith OOC­CL Con­ser­va­tion Achieve­ment Award, 2010
    • 2017 Texas Archi­tect Design Award
  • Case Western Reserve University, Tinkham Vaele University Center

    • AIA Chica­go Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Hon­or Award, 2015
    • Amer­i­can School & Uni­ver­si­ty Cita­tion, 2015
  • The University Of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Gordon Parks Arts Hall

    • Amer­i­can School & Uni­ver­si­ty Cita­tion, 2017
  • Harris Theater For Music and Dance
    • AIA Chica­go Ten-Year Award, 2015
    • AIA Chica­go Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2005
  • St. Paul Academy, Huss Center
    • AIA Min­neso­ta 2017 Hon­or Award
  • Palace Theatre
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Impact Award
    • Preser­va­tion Alliance of Min­neso­ta, 2017 Min­neso­ta Preser­va­tion Award
    • AIA Min­neso­ta, 2021 Com­men­da­tion for Excel­lence in Design for Economy
  • HOTA
    • AIA Nation­al Award for Pub­lic Archi­tec­ture 2019
    • AILA Nation­al Land­scape Awards for Tourism 2018
  • Robinson Center
    • 2018 AIA Arkansas Hon­or Award
  • IAVM Chairman Citation, 2017

  • IAVM Joseph J. Anzivino Distinguished Allied Award, 2018

  • Texas Tech University, Department of Theatre and Dance - Distinguished Alumni Award, 2012

  • Directors’ Award ASTC/USITT Renovation Challenge 2019 Mentor, Florida State University Team

  • University of Arkansas, Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center

    • Fayet­teville Cham­ber of Com­merce, Phoenix Award, 2015
    • City of Fayet­teville, Best Preser­va­tions Prac­tices Award, 2016
    • AIA Arkansas Hon­or Award, 2016
    • AISD Region­al Sil­ver Award, 2016
    • AIA Gulf States Region Mer­it Award, 2017
  • Hattiloo Theatre

    • AIA Gulf States Mer­it Award
    • AIA Ten­nessee Award of Excellence
    • AIA Mem­phis Hon­or Award of Excellence
  • Edgar L. Lustig Award Winner (First Prize), USITT-ASTC Venue Renovation Challenge, 2017

  • Octave 9: Raisbeck Music Center
    • Amer­i­can Archi­tec­ture Award, 2021 — Muse­ums and Cul­tur­al Buildings
  • George Mason University Theatre Outstanding Technician Award, 2004

  • Commendation for Design Excellence, USITT-ASTC Venue Renovation Challenge, 2019

  • USITT Midwest Regional Design, First Place, 2019 (Lighting Design for The Wong Kids)