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John Jacobsen

Design IALD, IES, LC

Senior Lighting Designer, Technical Coordinator


John has a passion for light stemming from his background in the theatre and enjoys sharing his hands-on experience in the art and science of light. 

In all of his work, John strives to sculpt space and complete an environment that creates an emotional experience for the viewer. John brings innovative ideas to his collaborations and keeps an eye to environmentally friendly practices.

Significant Projects
Project Name
Washington, D.C.

American Express Sunrise Corporate Center

Sunrise, FL

Braintree Multipurpose Atrium

Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL

Nuveen Investments

Minneapolis, MN; New York, NY

Park Hyatt Chicago

Chicago, IL

Skokie Hospital Ambulatory Care Center

Skokie, IL

Northwestern Memorial Hospital Childcare Center + Parking Garage

Chicago, IL

Northwestern University – Wirtz Center

Evanston, IL

University of Notre Dame – Jenkins & Nanovic Halls

South Bend, IN

First Presbyterian Church

Libertyville, IL

Cathedral Church of the Advent

Birmingham, AL


  • BFA - The Pennsylvania State University


  • International Association of Lighting Designers, Design
  • Illuminating Engineering Society
  • Lighting Certified by the NCQLP
  • United States Institute for Theatre Technology

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