The Mar­tin The­atre at the Ravinia Festival

Tp  The Martin Theatreatteh Ravinia Festival 062 Martin Theatre 300 2

The Martin Theatre opened as the Murray Theatre in the 1920's and presented a wide range of plays and music. In the 1990's, the Ravinia Festival re-planned the building as a dedicated recital hall.

Working with architects Skidmore Owings & Merrill and acousticians Kirkegaard Associates, Schuler Shook developed a new stage enclosure to support acoustic music performances. This new recital "shell" projects sound to the 900 audience members, greatly enhancing the sound and intimacy of the room.

The building also received extensive auditorium restoration. Schuler Shook designed new lighting treatments to enhance the painted ceiling and to increase audience comfort.


Highland Park, IL




  • USITT Hon­or Award, 1994
Tp  The Martin Theatreatteh Ravinia Festival 063  Martin Thtre Big 1