Cincin­nati Music Hall

Cincinatti Music Hall 7Ps

Schuler Shook provided Theatre Planning and Architectural Lighting Design services for a significant renovation of the Cincinnati Music Hall, the primary home of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Cincinnati Opera, and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. The Cincinnati Ballet and many other groups also perform at the Music Hall.

The design work carefully balanced the existing historic building with the appropriate stage technology to support the programming needs of these world-class companies.


Cincinnati, OH


Martinez + Johnson Architecture and Perfido Weiskopf Wagstaff + Goettel (PWWG)


  • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award Spe­cial Cita­tion for His­toric Ren­o­va­tion, 2019
  • Live Design Excel­lence In Instal­la­tion Award, 2018