Sec­ond Street Bridge

Ld Second Street Bridge 9151 4 Bmed 1 Edit1

Perhaps unexpectedly, Columbus, Indiana has long been noted as one of America's architectural showplaces, boasting buildings by many of the world's greatest contemporary architects. In the context of this extraordinary architectural heritage, Columbus constructed a new cable stayed bridge—Second Street Bridge—which serves as the gateway to the city. The bridge has a 540-foot span and a 210-foot tall central pylon.

The bridge offered the Schuler Shook team many challenges, including the illumination of the stays, visual comfort for motorists, bridge vibration and integration of roadway lighting. The lighting concept accentuated the structural elements of the bridge and the stays and pylon legs are grazed from below to emphasize these elements. Fixtures were designed specifically to illuminate the stays while meeting the maintenance and vibration requirements of the bridge. Blue marker lights designate the location where each cable stay engages the bridge deck.

The bridge was engineered by Earth Tech.


Columbus, IN