Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Chica­go, Richard J. Daley Library

Ld  Universityof Illinoisat Chicago  Richard Jdaley Library 111102 009 3

The UIC Daley Library has undergone a complete transformation. The once drab, dated space was revived into a dynamic center for research, presentations, group study, tutoring, and socializing.

Our lighting for this space celebrates the raw, Brutalist architecture. Fluorescent T5 direct-indirect pendants and concealed striplights reveal the exposed concrete structure. Ceramic metal halide sources provide supplemental downlight and highlight feature walls. CFL "drum"-style pendants are clustered above "collaborative" zones.


Chicago, IL


David Woodhouse Architects


  • Illum­ni Sil­ver Infin­i­ty Award — Civic Light­ing, 2012
  • GE Edi­son Award of Mer­it, 2011
  • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award of Mer­it, 2012
  • AIA Chica­go Dis­tin­guished Build­ing Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2012
  • AIA Chica­go Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Cita­tion of Mer­it, 2012