Macalester Col­lege, Janet Wal­lace Fine Arts Cen­ter The­atre and Dance Build­ing Expansion

190205 CG HGA Macalester Phase3 014v2 lr

The third phase of the Art Center’s renovation focused on the Theatre Building. It features an innovative 200-seat flexible performance space, a small black box, two large dance studios with sprung floors, a state of the art design lab, scene shop, and costume shop.


St. Paul, MN




  • USITT Mer­it Award 2021
  • SCUP Hon­or­able Men­tion Award for Excel­lence in Archi­tec­ture, Build­ing Addi­tions, Ren­o­va­tions, or Adap­tive Reuse, 2020
  • AIA Min­neso­ta Hon­or Award for Archi­tec­tur­al Excel­lence 2019