ACMI Renew­al

ACMI Museum Shoot4 SMG 0347 web

Focusing on screen culture and the moving image, ACMI blends experience of the virtual with that of the physical. The largest museum of its kind in the world, ACMI had evolved and required changes to its physical space and its programming. The ACMI Renewal was a major renovation of all spaces, including new places for gathering and reflection.


Melbourne, VIC


BKK Architects


  • IESANZ Award of Com­men­da­tion, 2020
  • DALI Light­ing Awards — Enter­tain­ment & Archi­tec­ture, High­ly Com­mend­ed, 2021
  • AIA Award, Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture Cat­e­go­ry, 2021
  • Vic­to­ri­an Premier’s Design Awards — Archi­tec­tur­al Design, High­ly Com­mend­ed, 2021
ACMI Museum Shoot4 SMG 0379 weblg