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Kelly Murphey

Theatre Consultant


Having a passion for both architecture and theatre, Kelly comes to theatre planning as a Theatre Specialist with over fifteen years of experience in theatre education, technical theatre, and design. 

During those years in academia, Kelly participated in two renovations to his school’s auditorium. He understands the importance of listening to the end user’s needs and the value of true collaboration from everyone involved.

Recently adding more stamps to his passport, Kelly traveled to Dubai and Prague as Production Designer and Co-Creator, respectively, of unique audience-immersive sound experiences.

Significant Projects
Project Name

Completed Prior to Joining Schuler Shook

Abilene Shakespeare Festival, Sound Designer, 2021

Abilene, TX

Morning, Noon, Evening, and Night, Prague Quadrennial, Co-Creator

Prague, Czech Republic

Public Domain, American University of Sharjah, Production Designer

Sharjah, UAE

Sweet Charity, Hardin-Simmons University, Scenic Designer

Abilene, TX

Canterville, Texas Tech University, Scenic Designer

Lubbock, TX

Title of Show, Hardin-Simmons University, Lighting Designer

Abilene, TX


  • BFA - Abilene Christian University
  • MFA - Texas Tech University


  • United States Institute for Theatre Technology

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